An exciting and impactful youth ministry is a mandate for any church to reach its region effectively. Today’s youth are tomorrow’s leaders. If a church hopes to have a future, it must evangelize and disciple young people. To accomplish this, Grace Family Church will prioritize establishing a relevant and spirit-empowered youth ministry that evangelizes and disciples teenagers so that they can develop into the person God created them to be.

A Spirit-empowered, faith-filled youth ministry is needed to break the current trends of today’s Christian Youth. Current statistics show:
- 51% of U.S. teens claimed to be Christian, yet only 8% display the beliefs and habits of a committed Christian.

- 46% of Christian teens never read the Bible.
- 58% of Christian teens believe they don’t have a responsibility to share their faith.
- 70% of Christian youth stop attending church after graduating high school.

Teenagers developing a faith of their own will create a God-centered foundation that will shape the rest of their lives. In his old age, King David wrote, “Since my youth, God, you have taught me, and to this day I declare your marvelous deeds” (Psalms 71:17). Like King David, teenagers of Grace Family Church will encounter a very real God who has a plan and purpose for their lives.

Grace Youth will be bold in addressing the complicated issues that teenagers face. Research revealed the following:

- 60% of teens and 30% of committed Christian teens struggle with depression.
- 35% of teens and 12% of committed Christian teens struggle with suicidal thoughts.
- 50% of teens and 36% of churchgoing Christian teens struggle with pornography.

To effectively shine the light of God’s love into the lives of teenagers, Grace Youth will discuss subjects like identity, sex, depression, anxiety, and peer pres- sure from a Biblical perspective that speaks to God’s truth and His love.