Our Core Values

Spirit Empowered

We are a church that believes in the empowerment of the Holy Spirit. Not only do we believe in the gifts of the Holy Spirit in our church services, but we firmly believe the gifts empower believers to take their faith beyond a worship experience. We believe all believers are entitled to and should expect and earnestly seek the promise of the Father, the baptism in the Holy Spirit, and fire, according to the command of Jesus. We need His power for life and service. The Holy Spirit-given gifts are for the work of the ministry, to draw people to Jesus.


Culturally Relevant 

Cultural Relevance is significant in today’s church. We do not conform to the world, but we do make it our highest priority to reach the world. Our worship and our preaching are designed to be relevant to multiple generations. We want to equip people to live out their faith in today’s culture. We never compromise the truth but always speak in love to those far from Christ. We want to do everything we can to go into the culture and create fully devoted followers of Christ.


Radically Generous

As a church, we are passionate about generosity! We love that God has given us the ability to impact lives daily outside our worship services. Our model for ministry is to meet physical and spiritual needs so that we fulfill James 2:18 and show our faith to the world through our actions. Whether we are helping those in need in our community or supporting missions worldwide, if it matters to God, we want to be involved!


Disciple Makers

Our number one mission at Grace Family Church is to make Disciples. This is the great commission. The Bible commands us in Matthew 28:19-20 to go into all the world and make disciples. We do not just do this inside our worship services but in our schools, neighborhoods, and workplaces. We believe discipleship is a way of life and not just a Sunday activity.